The Apple Vision Pro went on sale in February 2024. The mixed-reality headgear is currently only accessible in the United States, but the business intends to make it available in other regions. However, while the Cupertino-based tech giant's newest product is being developed, it appears that a successor needs to be put in the works. According to a fresh source, Apple intends to release the Vision Pro 2 at the end of 2026. CEO Tim Cook recently said that the mixed-reality headset will be accessible in China in 2024.
Apple's Vision Pro: Delay
In his Power On newsletter, Bloomberg's Mark Gurman reported that Apple's Vision Pro roadmap for the next two years does not include introducing another headset to the market. This aligns with Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo's prediction in a February Medium article that Vision Pro 2 will be mass-produced in 2027. According to estimates, the tech giant could wait up to three years before considering another augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) product.
This is not to say that Apple does not have a Vision Pro roadmap. According to Gurman, the organisation has three distinct priorities right now. The main goal is to grow in the market. Despite its launch, the mixed reality headgear is now only accessible in the United States. China appears to be the first on the list, with Cook having previously announced its introduction there. Other regions may see the headset introduced in 2025. However, it appears that the tech giant is retaining a conservative perspective of the units it will be able to sell since orders for the Apple Vision Pro have reportedly been reduced from a "market consensus" of 700,000 to 800,000 units to 400,000 to 450,000 units.
The company also plans to improve the existing operating system for the mixed-reality headset.
According to the source, Apple will release the visionOS 2.0 update later this year. However, the update is expected to improve the device's functionality minorly. It'll be fascinating to see what new features the corporation adds. The Vision Pro is scheduled to receive new AI functions as part of an operating system update.
According to Gurman, the ultimate goal is to build a less expensive headset. The company is considering releasing a lower-cost version of the Vision Pro before preparing a replacement. However, there is a challenge. According to the source, Apple is struggling to lower its prices and needs a specific plan.