The sales pitch has been made. You’ve more or less agreed on the price, but can’t make up your mind. This is when they take you to their proof of concept center, or field lab, or test center or whatever. Almost every IT company has one or more establishments where they can demonstrate how their products can deliver what you want.
The two examples here are Cisco’s Field Labs in Delhi, and IBM’s e-Biz Software Center in Gurgaon. The Field Lab has all of Cisco’s products set up on a real live
network. An adjoining conference room separated by a glass wall allows customers to see the products/solutions in action.
The e-Biz center focuses on providing demos to IBM’s eBusiness software center. There are separate demo rooms for different solutions where they can do proof of concept for you.
Obviously, every customer does not come in here. Only the big ones do.
PCQ Labs