
The Release of the New TFT Set 8 "Monsters Attack!"

The Monsters Attack extension for Riot Games' auto battler, which uses the League of Legends cast of characters to swell its ranks, will launch with Patch 12.23.

Preeti Anand
New Update
The release of the new TFT Set 8 1

The title of the upcoming Teamfight Tactics expansion, TFT Set 8, is "Monsters Attack!" It has features and mechanics that go well with the vibrant ToHo theme of the next auto battler set.


The Monsters Attack extension for Riot Games' auto battler, which uses the League of Legends cast of characters to swell its ranks, will launch with Patch 12.23. Lead designer Stephen "Mortdog" Mortimer took gamers through the new set in a video breakdown.

Augments are here to stay, according to TFT Set 8

The Augment mechanic, first included in Gadgets & Gizmos, has been a welcome addition to Teamfight Tactics. It allows the player to select an upgrade that modifies their game three times during a game. After their continued success in Dragonlands and their outlasting G&G, Riot Games has decided that the augment-style system is a net enhancement for TFT and will remain in place.


Monsters are attacking in team combat!

The following episode is aptly titled "Monsters Attack," It takes place in a made-up metropolis called "Spatulopolis" that is held hostage by massive, kaiju-like monsters. For eager fans who can't wait for the set to launch the Public Beta Environment, Mortdog's breakdown of the set had a few intriguing insights.

Are Hero Augments part of the collection?


Hero Augments are part of the collection, which enhance a single unit's capabilities and are available to all players at once, just once per game. The new attribute, Threat, stands in opposition to these heroes and symbolizes the monsters advancing on the city. Threats won't do anything and have other characteristics, but they will be compelling units designed to do much independently.

What does the set include?

Other characteristics mentioned in the set include Ox Force, Underground, Star Guardian, and Anima Squad. These each stand in for a Spatulopolis hero squad. On 2 November and 7 December, respectively, Teamfight Tactics: Monsters Attack will be made available in the Public Beta Environment along with Patch 12.21 for League of Legends' live servers.


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