Accessing mail on the move is not a new necessity. Nor is
the desire of having a Web mail client, which is close to our desktop mail
clients (like Outlook, Thunderbird or Evolution). But a Web mail client means a
page refresh on clicking on anything, losing our focus and the important
paragraph where we pointed our cursor on. But with Zimbra Web mail client, no
more page refresh (thanks to
technology). For an overview on
you can refer to our article Creating AJAX Pages with ASP.NET 2.0, October 2005
issue. You work as if you are working with a desktop mail client, clicking your
way through reading, writing and organizing mail.
Install Zimbra
Note that Zimbra is a self-contained package, meant to run out of the box.
It bundles its own SMTP server (postfix), database (MySQL), LDAP (openldap), Web
server (Apache) and application server (Tomcat). Some of these packages may not
run if the Linux distribution (on which you install Zimbra) is already having
one or more of these packages installed. We installed Zimbra on Cent OS 4 (
Cent OS is a Linux distribution which has been built using the sources of RedHat
Enterprise Linux 4. Installation of Cent OS is same as that for PCQLinux
2005. For the above-mentioned reasons, we choose not to install Sendmail,
Postfix, Apache and MySQL during the installation.
Admin console is a one-stop page to set up multiple e-mail domains, aliases, distribution lists, anti spam and anti virus |
You can download Zimbra from http://downloads.zimbra
.com/3.0_M2/zcs-3.0.0_M2_740.RHEL4.tgz. Log in as root and extract the archive.
This will produce a directory named zcs. Change to this directory and issue:
Follow the onscreen instructions. Note that whenever Zimbra
prompts saying 'The system will be modified - continue?
'Yes'. For the remaining prompts, you can go for the default option. If you get
an error regarding incorrect /etc/hosts file open the file named hosts found in
/etc directory in a text editor and modify the line which contains the hostname
for to look as below: localhost.localdomain localhost
User console is a Web mail client having an advanced search, intuitive organization of e-mail and calendaring |
Subsequently, on the screen you will be shown a 'Main
menu' where you will need to set up a password for Zimbra's administrative
account. For this type in '5' and press Enter, then type in '6'. When
prompted for, type in your preferred password. This password will be required to
log in to the Web-based Zimbra's admin console (see below). Type in 'r'
and then 'a'. Continue following the on screen instructions till you get
'Configuration complete - press return to exit'. After the
installation, all the Zimbra services must start. To check upon this, issue the
su zimbra
zmcontrol status
The output should indicate a running status before all
Set up Zimbra
To log in to Zimbra's admin console, key in the following URL in a Web
browser: https://
login screen, login as admin@
localhost.localdomain and specify the password that you had set during the
Note that a localhost.localdomain e-mail domain gets
created by default. We will create a domain corresponding to our actual mail
domain. Suppose the e-mail domain is and we will set up an
e-mail account on Zimbra called, to send and receive
mail. We assume that you have an Internet mail server, which will be used to
relay (send) mail and receive mail.
After login into the admin console, click on @Domains and
then on 'New' on the right pane. For 'Domain name' enter Keep
clicking on Next, leaving other values to default on the subsequent screens.
Finally, click on Finish. The domain is created. Now we need to create an e-mail
account. For this, click on Accounts and then click on New (on the right pane).
Enter shekhar (say) for the Account name and select from the
Type in a password (say secret123) and the last name and
first name of the user. Click on Finish. Next, click on Global Settings and then
on MTA. Fill in the hostname of the Internet mail server (say for 'Relay MTA for external delivery'. Zimbra provides
out-of-box anti spam and anti virus to your mail, all installed and configured.
The only thing left is to enable it. For this click on the tab Anti-Spam and
check 'Enabled'. For the subject prefix type in ***SPAM***. Click on the
Anti-Virus tab and check Enabled. Click on Save at the top.
Send and receive mail
We are all set with the user shekhar to be able to send mail. User shekhar
needs to log in to the Zimbra mail client (as opposed to the admin console
explained above). Access the following URL in the Web browser:
Log in as with the password
secret123. Click on New, compose a new mail and send it. To receive mail from
your Internet mail server, you will need to use fetchmail. Create a .fetmailrc
file in /root directory with the following content:
proto pop3
auth password
user ""
Substitute with the hostname of your
Internet mail server. Also substitute and 123456 with
the username and password of the user account on your Internet mail server.
Note that initially for testing purposes, it is advisable
to have the 'keep' option, which will not delete the mail from your Internet
server after retrieval. After successful testing, you may like to remove the
keep option. Next run fetchmail as:
fetchmail -v -f /root/fetchmailrc
Alternatively you can use the fetchmail with -d option to
retrieve mail automatically after a certain period of time. Refer to 'man
fetchmail' for more details.
We leave you with the installation and setup to explore
further about Zimbra-all through its intuitive and responsive Web
interface-without page reloads!
Shekhar Govindarajan, IT4Enterprise