WhatsApp has begun to roll out a new voice chat feature that will improve the experience of group talks on the messaging app. Group calls currently ring members' phones, which may not be appropriate - especially when some participants are in separate time zones. Instead, audio chats will be less intrusive and allow group members to simultaneously engage in a conversation to accomplish other things on the messaging app, similar to the group call features offered on apps such as Slack and Discord.
WhatsApp announced the availability of audio chats on Android
WhatsApp announced the availability of audio chats on Android on Monday via X (previously known as Twitter). Some users have access to the functionality if they have updated to the most recent versions of WhatsApp for Android and iOS from the Google Play store and the App Store, respectively. When a group has voice chats enabled, members will see an option to start a voice chat instead of the group call button.
How does the new Whatsapp feature work?
When a voice conversation is started in a group chat by pressing the new waveform icon in the top right corner of the screen, group members will receive a push notification telling them they can join in. The profiles of participants will be visible to everyone in the group, including those not participating in the voice chat. You can also use WhatsApp to conduct other things, such as texting other group members who aren't on the call.
The new feature also allows users to leave and rejoin a voice chat as often as they want, and a voice chat will finish when all participants have departed. If no participants join — or if there is only one person in the chat for an hour — the voice chat will likewise terminate.
Audio chat capability will first be available to bigger groups with more than 32 members
WhatsApp says the audio chat capability will first be available to bigger groups with more than 32 members. According to the messaging platform's frequently asked questions, the tool will be offered to users in groups of 33 to 128 people. It will only be available through a user's primary device; connected devices will not be supported.