NEW DELHI, INDIA: Symantec Corp. has announced the availability of Encryption Everywhere, a website security package available through web hosting providers. Encryption Everywhere lets web hosting providers integrate encryption into every website from the moment it is created. With the new web security service, hosting providers can offer a variety of flexible options, including basic website encryption included as part of any hosted service, and a number of premium security packages with increasingly stronger levels of website validation, protection, and trust seals. It was developed to support Symantec’s goal to secure 100 per cent of legitimate websites by 2018.
“There are almost a billion websites today, yet only about 3 per cent of those sites are encrypted, which means cybercriminals have been able to make a good living off of the web’s lack of security,” said Roxane Divol, senior vice president and general manager, Website Security, Symantec.
“Symantec is about to change the game for cybersecurity with Encryption Everywhere. It’s time to secure every legitimate website and win back security on the internet for every business and consumer. That’s why Symantec is making it easy to secure any website from the very moment it is registered or renewed, starting with free, basic encryption all the way through to complete website security solutions.”
According to the Norton Cybersecurity Insights Report, more than half of Indian consumers (54 per cent) believe they’re more likely to have their credit card details stolen online rather than from their wallet while shopping and nearly half (48 per cent) of the Indian respondents reported they have been a victim of a cyberattack.
Symantec’s Internet Security Threat Report also cited 78 per cent of websites have vulnerabilities, and over one million web attacks were blocked daily in 2015, up 117 per cent from 2014. In addition, Google and other browsers have announced they will push unencrypted websites down in search ranking results. Websites that want to remain viable will need to at least use basic encryption by 2018. Encryption Everywhere encrypts 100 per cent of customer data shared on a business’s website, giving businesses of any size precious brand trust and providing consumers with the confidence that the information they share is protected and will reach the intended recipient.