Wickedleak unveils its new affordable android smartphone in the Indian market with powerful Octa-core processor. The company will start selling this 5 inch smartphone in two colors black and white from June 15, 2014. This phone gets optional coating of AquaProtect and sports Dual-SIM. It runs over Android 4.2 Jelly Bean, but has been promised an Android 4.4 KitKat update at some point.
It has 5 inch full HD display and boasts 1.7 GHz octa-core processor and coupled with 2GB RAM. It gets a 13 MP camera on the rear ad 5 MP on the front side. It comes with 8 GB of internal storage option that can be expanded up to 64 GB and it gets power from 2200 mAh battery.
By paying Rs 1500 for Wickedleak's AquaProtect technology, a user can get protection from liquid repellent substance inside and out of the Wammy Neo. This technology would make the device capable to sustain in the water for about 30 mins. The company raises the competition in the Indian market of better devices at affordable cost, hope few more devices will come soon.