
Windows Media Player 7

PCQ Bureau
New Update

The final release of this popular media player is out. Withthis release, Microsoft has taken a step forward to create an all-in-one playerthat enables you to find, organize, and play a wide variety of digital media.


Let’s take a closer look at Windows Media Player 7.

Every feature in the player is designed with ease of use inmind. The new tab-indexed and customizable interface makes navigation mucheasier. It supports almost any type of local and streamed multimedia format,including Real Audio, Real Video, MPEG 1, MPEG 2, MPEG 3 (MP3), WAV, AVI, MIDI,MOV, VOD, AU, CD audio, and QuickTime.

The player comprises seven features, all of which are easilyaccessible from its interface–CD player, audio and video player, mediajukebox, media guide, Internet radio, portable device music file transfer, and askin chooser.


You can play MP3s, watch movies, listen to over 1,500Internet radio stations from around the world, copy an entire CD to your PC,logon to Media Player’s Website for the latest news and updates, and organizeyour media files into personalized playlists. If you like to listen to yourmusic on the move, Media Player lets you transfer files to a portable musicplayer.

You can search your hard drive for supported media types fromthe Tools menu. You can click on the Skin Chooser tab to customize the looks ofyour Media Player. If you aren’t satisfied with the provided skins, you can goto the Website–www.–and download more. It also has a rangeof built-in visualizers that get into motion when you’re playing music.

With support for almost every media type and its snazzyskins, the player has the potential to soar up the popularity charts. The onlydrawback of Windows Media Player is that it takes a big chunk of availablememory. We recommend at least 64 MB RAM if you plan to use it.


Jasbir Singh


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