Reliance Jio has introduced the low-cost laptop in the nation, and now the JioBook pricing has been made public. Moreover after debuting it at the India Mobile Congress, the business has put the new JioBook laptop on Government e-Marketplace (IMC 2022). To recreate the success of its low-cost JioPhone in India's very price-sensitive market, it has an inbuilt 4G sim card.
The new JioBook laptop is a mass market product, just like previous Jio goods. Only government employees will be able to acquire the laptop, and the firm is anticipated to announce the JioBook's wide availability soon. The new "made in India '' JioBook laptop's design, price, and specifications were made public via its placement on the Government e-Marketplace (GEM). The following is what we know:
JioBook Laptop specifications
JioBook has a plastic body and a cover with the "Jio" branding. The laptop has an 11.6-inch HD display with a resolution of 1366 x 768 pixels with substantial bezels: a Qualcomm Snapdragon 665 CPU and an Adreno 610 GPU power the laptop. It has 32GB of expandable eMMC storage and 2GB of LPDDR4x RAM.
The JioBook is powered by JioOS, the company's operating system, which includes the Jio Cloud PC and Microsoft Ad browser. The gadget also consists of an HD webcam.
The new JioBook supports 4G, USB-A 2.0, USB-A 3.0, HDMI, WiFi ac, and Bluetooth 5.0 in terms of connection. The laptop has a 55.1 to 60 AH battery that should provide up to 8 hours of battery life on a single charge. The gadget also features a dual-integrated mic and speaker configuration.
Price and availability for JioBook Laptop
As previously indicated, the new JioBook is presently exclusively accessible to government employees. However, the masses will be able to purchase it around Diwali. The cost of the new JioBook laptop on the Government e-Marketplace is Rs 19,500. It is reasonable to assume that Reliance Jio would include the laptop with some broadband bundles in light of its other product releases. For customers, the brand may also provide simple EMI choices.
According to sources, the laptop will be available to corporate users this month. Including institutions of higher learning and governmental organisations, with a consumer launch most likely occurring within the next three months. A 5G-capable version will come after, much as with the JioPhone.
The JioBook will be made by a local contract manufacturer named Flex, and Jio expects to sell "hundreds of thousands" of them by the end of March. Jio's JioOS operating system will be used on the laptop, and programs may be purchased via the JioStore. Jio is promoting the computer as an alternative to tablets for corporate workers outside the office.