
In quest of Sentient, Unified, and Seamless collaborative experience 

Collaboration tools that promote remote and agile work environments will be the most wanted

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Rajendran Dandapani, Director of Zoho University tells why the collaboration tools that promote flat hierarchies, frictionless sharing of vision and roadmaps, and flexible always-connected environments that promote remote and agile work environments will be the most wanted. 



Geography will soon be history  

Collaboration is needed only because no man is an island, and people come to the office on the single premise that what two people couldn’t do sitting at their respective desks at home can be done better faster and cheaper when they come together at the office. Intelligent immersive tools will eventually overcome these limitations. Instead of the best local talent coming to your office, your office will ‘travel’ to the global best talent. Telepresence and live smart collaboration may even prove a boon when pandemic threats like the Corona virus happen.  

Tap into the Millennial Mindset 


Daniel Pink distilled it in his book, Drive: Millennials want, more than anything else, just three things to keep them engaged at work. Those are Inner Feeling of Autonomy, Pursuit of Mastery, and Sense of Purpose. Hence, going forward, the tools that promote flat hierarchies, frictionless sharing of vision and roadmaps, and flexible always-connected environments that promote remote work and agile interactions will be the most wanted among the new-age workforce.  

Zoho’s integrated collaboration platform, Workplace enables people to create documents and presentations, share and manage files, host online meetings and conferences, communicate via chat or email, and work without boundaries. 

Promoting an Agile culture  


Agile is the profession’s answer to the unpredictabilities rampant in the system, thus rendering most plans just optimistic guesses. Quick and open sharing of information about the changing scenarios in ongoing projects will solve half the problems faced by working professionals. Also, breaking down of ancient hierarchical walls becomes a necessary byproduct of any modern collaboration tool, thus paving the way for a more agile work environment. For instance, Zoho Projects and Zoho Sprints can help teams plan the project work, track the work progress, and collaborate with team members effectively, no matter where they are. 

Evolving for the future 

The future is going to be sentient. The future is going to be unified. The future is going to be seamless. 


Sentient: Collaborative tools will sense and learn from your actions and habits and will respect your need for knowledge about the things around you as well as your need for protection from distraction.   

Unified: Separate tools were born at an age of ‘few apps’ and nearly no intrusive notifications. But today, with too many apps and ubiquitous notifications, there will be a move to unify communications and increase opportunities for flow state at work. 

Seamless: From offline to online, from synchronous to asynchronous, from multicast to single-person-interactions, the tools will adapt and morph based on the need of the person and the need of the hour and eventually become the much sought after, much talked about, but till now unrealized dream of the truly intelligent personal work assistant.   


Zoho’s AI-powered assistant, Zia can help orchestrate meetings, alert stakeholders, and keep team collaboration in sync. 

Also Read:

agile-development intelligent-assistant zoho immersive-experience collaboration

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