
GTA 4 was Better than GTA 5 in Some Ways, But GTA 6 is Expected to Be a Game Changer

Though, the most intriguing aspect of the whole conversation on the web is, what makes GTA 4 a sought-after game in contemporary times. We all know that GTA 6 is about to release in this year, and the game is definitely going to be a game changer.

Neha Joshi
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GTA 4 was Better than GTA 5 in Every Way, But GTA 6 Could Break the Record

GTA 4 was Better than GTA 5 in Every Way, But GTA 6 Could Break the Record

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GTA 5 is the most recent predecessor to GTA 6, but the fans still believe that GTA 4 was much more superior to GTA 5. GTA 4 had the vibes that made the GTA Series games’ world feel alive. Though GTA 5 is far more popular than GTA 4, but there are some features in GTA 4 that enhance that nostalgic GTA Series games feel in the gameplay. A GTA 6 fan has posted on ‘X’ that “I would fully accept a GTA 6 delay for 2026 or even 2027, if it was substituted with a full GTA 4 remaster”. Some of the fans believe that GTA 4 remaster would be launched by Rockstar Games to keep the fans busy, as GTA 6 has been delayed to 2026. There are no facts available officially to support the statement, and these are just some rumors on the web. Though, the most intriguing aspect of the whole conversation on the web is, what makes GTA 4 a sought-after game in contemporary times. We all know that GTA 6 is about to release in this year, and the game is definitely going to be a game changer for the overall gaming industry, but what makes GTA 4 still a popular game is its excellent features that contribute towards making that game still playable today.


GTA 5 vs GTA 4- Features that Make GTA 4 a Superior Title

A lot of you would still pick up GTA 5 as your first choice, if you would be asked to choose between GTA 5 and GTA 4. You are not wrong, as GTA 5 is one of the best games created by Rockstar Games in the entire GTA Series, but GTA 4 was also far ahead of its time. This is also one of the reasons why some of the GTA 6 fans want a few of these amazing features from GTA 4 to make a return in GTA 6.

Car Crash Seemed More Realistic in GTA 4


Cars are the life and soul of all the GTA Series games and one of the features that made GTA 4 far more superior than GTA 5 was the realistic car crash feature. Car crash in GTA 5 does not show any damage to the car after the crash, but in GTA 4 the car damage was far more superior as compared to GTA 5. The vehicles actually had a sense of weight to them in GTA 4, and this made car crashes more realistic in GTA 4.

GTA 4 had Euphoria as a Prominent Gameplay Feature

One of the well-known features in GTA 4 was Euphoria, where you could just push people over by walking into them. You could also shove people on the street for an interesting reaction, or you could drive a car slowly into someone, and watch them holding on to the vehicle. All these features added an extra layer of realism in GTA 4 and GTA 5 does not stand anywhere near to GTA 4, when you think about these features in a game.


Crime in GTA 5 vs GTA 4

In GTA 4 as a player you would have witnessed the Police Officers arresting someone for a crime, and putting them in the back of the vehicle to take them back to the station. This feature went missing in GTA 5, where a pedestrian is shot for dropping a packet of litter on the floor. Also, while stealing a car in GTA 4, you would have noticed, if you drive it quickly after stealing, then anyone who tries to get it back would be dragged along with it for a long time in the game. GTA 5 also has this feature, but it does not last that long, and is not that realistic.

Vehicle Driving is Smoother in GTA 4 as Compared to GTA 5


GTA 4 has a smoother vehicle driving mechanism as compared to GTA 5. While driving motorbikes on the road GTA 4 is a sure shot winner when compared to GTA 5.

GTA 4 had Enterable Restaurants

GTA 4 has enterable restaurants like the Burger Shot and some internet Cafes, while GTA 5 has no enterable restaurants. This feature adds a lot of realism to GTA 4, where you could actually go into a restaurant and purchase food for yourself. Even GTA Vice City and GTA San Andreas had this realistic feature almost 20 years back.


GTA 6 Could Change the Game

GTA 5 is still a popular game, and its popularity shows in its sales figures, which actually tell that it is the second-most popular game with 205 million copies sold worldwide. This extreme popularity gained by GTA 5 is the reason behind the hype for the upcoming game in the GTA Series, GTA 6. GTA 6 fans have high expectations from the game which promises to take them back to the neon-soaked streets of Vice City, but GTA 6 has a lot to live up to. Strauss Zelnick has already called GTA 6 a mind-blowing entry in the GTA Series and even an article on Financial Times has revealed that GTA 6 will take the overall gaming industry to a new level. Not much has been revealed about the game officially by Rockstar Games, apart from its first official trailer, but the leaks that happened in September 2022, show that GTA 6 will have an expansive map with more than 70% enterable buildings. The game will be huge with various activities like basketball, swimming, fishing, golf, football and much more, but what will make it unique in the entire GTA Series is its AI enabled gameplay, which will integrate features like interactive NPCs and AI Police in the gameplay. GTA 6 will surely be absolutely breathtaking with its fine visuals and graphics, and it will bring some unique gameplay features along with the best of all the previous titles like GTA 5, GTA 4 and RDR2. GTA 6 is definitely worth the wait, and any kind of delay in release will not reduce the hype for the game.

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