The smart enterprise mobile messenger app that enhances communications amongst employees
— Ashok Pandey
With real-time messaging capability, Teamchat messaging app enables organizations to improve their communication with their partners, agents, distributors, suppliers and employees. It works for all type of businesses-- small or large and can be integrated into the workflow to make team communications faster. It supports Android, iOS, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, Firefox, and web devices. It comes with an admin panel that enables organizations to manage users, groups, downloads, integrations and customizations. Teamchat offers server- and client-side APIs (application programming interfaces) to enable integration with popular third-party tools and apps. It works equally well with all browsers.
It allows user to communicate within their professional group and get access to reports from diverse workgroups, any survey within the groups, accumulate employee criticism, convey instant reward, track field professionals, track store deals and metrics across retail outlets.
Teamchat allows you to create multiple groups with unlimited users. Operating the app is quite easy. It takes only 7.45 MB space on the device and tackles the key issues in large group messaging. It contains smart messages that automatically aggregate replies and update themselves. For instance, when a user posts a poll in the group, the message updates itself automatically with the aggregate result when other group members reply to it. No matter how many users respond to the poll, it’s just one message in the conversation thread. Teamchat comes with numerous templates including number tracker, survey, poll, multi-field forms, comment, location, nominations etc. which are easy to customize and setup.