
Tips to Make Your PC Faster for FREE!!

There are multiple ways to make your PC faster. However keeping in mind the global chip shortage, it can be difficult to buy new components. Do this instead

Boudhaditya Sanyal
New Update
make your pc faster

There are times when our PC seems slow. The first thing that crosses our mind is that we might need a new PC. This is not always true. There are multiple ways in which the performance of a PC can be enhanced. This does not include investing in any new piece of hardware or software. All of this can be done for free. These tips won't give you a skyrocketing performance, but will make sure that your PC is working on the optimum potential.


The global chip shortage has resulted in a price hike for most PC components, and it is not wise to invest in a new PC right now. There is a shortage of semiconductors in the global market and therefore prices of products are very high and the availability is low. In situations like these, it is best to work on making your current PC better. Unless your system is completely obsolete or unresponsive, it is a good idea to try and get the best performance out of your current system rather than investing in some overpriced tech.

Follow these and make your PC faster for free.

Install Windows on SSD


The debate around computer storage has been on for some time now. One of the easiest ways to make your PC faster is installing Windows on the SSD. An SSD has higher read and write speeds that can help make the overall system snappier and smoother. This will also increase the responsiveness of the system. The HDD already has multiple tasks to function, and the OS takes up a significant amount of space. The best solution to having a clean HDD and snappy system will be having the OS on SSD.

Enable the XMP Profile

This is a rookie mistake that a lot of people make when building their own PC. They forget to enable the XMP profile. If you have a PC with high-frequency RAM like 3200mHz or 3400mHz, it is likely that it is running at 2100mHz or 2400mHz. This happens because users often forget to enable the XMP Profile. Enabling the XMP profile will help you get the full potential out of your RAM and boost the performance of your PC. This can be done by going into the Bios of your PC and enabling it from there. This is one of the major mistakes users make when building a new PC.


Defrag Your Hard Drive

Defragging your hard drive is very important. It does take time depending on the configuration of your system, but will improve the performance of the PC. You can follow these steps to defrag your hard drive:

  1. Go to search and type Disk Defragment
  2. Select C Drive, analyse it and then optimize it

This 2-step process will take time but enhance the performance of your PC significantly. Button

Regularly Clear Junk Files

Junk files take up a lot of space in your hard drive. These can slow down your PC and its performance. However, it is very easy to clean up these files by following a few simple steps.

  1. Press Windows+R
  2. Type "Temp" in the search bar
  3. Delete all the files that are shown

These files are not important information for you or the PC. If there are any important files in the lot, a prompt will show you which ones are important, and you can keep them. All of these files will slow down your system, but are very easy to clear out. Repeat the above-mentioned steps by typing "%temp%" in place of "temp" and clear all those files as well.

Change Your Power Profile


There are multiple power profiles on Windows. Most of the time, this is set to the "Balanced Mode". This is a good setting and helps your system work in a balanced manner. However, you can still get some extra performance from the PC. You need to change the battery profile in your system. To do this, you can follow these steps:

  1. Search for Power on Windows Search Bar
  2. Click on Choose a powerplan
  3. Select High Performance
  4. Restart Your System

Following these steps would not make your PC extraordinarily fast, but it will definitely make your PC faster. You might see some changes in your battery performance, but that will be because your PC will be running at its full potential.
